WATCH: "Shooting Jins With Toy Guns?" Traditional Healer Went Viral For His “Unconventional” Ways Of Treating His Patients



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WATCH: "Shooting Jins With Toy Guns?" Traditional Healer Went Viral For His “Unconventional” Ways Of Treating His Patients

By Ayunie

In a world where innovation often meets tradition, a middle-aged traditional healer has recently emerged into the spotlight for his truly one-of-a-kind approach to healing practices. Known as Ustaz Raffi or @perubatanislamustazraffi on TikTok, his viral fame on social media stems from his use of toy guns and snipers during his healing sessions.

This healer's TikTok videos showcasing his healing rituals are not your typical run-of-the-mill content. Instead, they feature scenes that would usually bring a smile to anyone's face-- this traditional healer exorcising his clients with toy guns and snipers. 

However, what's truly surprising is the feedback from his patients. Despite the initial humor and skepticism these peculiar methods might evoke, those who've sought his help have spoken out about their positive experiences. Many claim to have found relief from their illness after these sessions.

Watch one of his healing sessions below:

@chumibakarmua orang sedap bercakap tp orang x kene atas batang hidung sendiri.. Alhamdulillah setelah hampir setahun berubat dengan ustaz raffi @KOLEKSI MISTERI Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs - Skittlegirl Sound

The response from social media users has been equally intriguing. The healer's TikTok videos have rapidly gained traction, and people are fascinated by this unique fusion of traditional practices with imaginative, unexpected props. 

What do you think of this interesting healing practice? Comment below.

Source: TikTok

traditional healing toy guns snipers Ustaz raffi tiktok viral @perubatanislamustazraffi


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