Why Is Immunity Protection Important? These Are 5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System



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Why Is Immunity Protection Important? These Are 5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System


Your body is largely protected by your immunity from dangerous pathogens that can cause disease. This is the body's ability to defend itself against certain diseases by fighting off harmful bacteria or eliminating the effects of their products. 

Or to put it another way, the immune system defends the body against threats from without. Numerous organs, cells, and proteins make up this structure, which supports the body in fending off harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses, and toxins.

Here are 5 ways to boost and maintain a strong, healthy immune system:

Consuming a proper diet with these immunity boosting food


A nutritious diet is essential for a robust immune system, as it is with most other aspects of your body. To do this, make sure you consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats.

To name a few food that you can consume to boost your immune system are reishi mushroom, kiwi, oranges, spinach, dark chocolate and turmeric.

Get little doses of sunlight


In addition to supporting healthy bones and a strong heart, vitamin D, sometimes referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," also helps a balanced immune system. Despite the fact that most of us spend our days inside, you may still receive vitamin D through foods like salmon and herring, mushrooms, and egg yolks as well as by sitting in a sunny area while working or doing other activities.

Find your zen in the chaos of life


Our immune system's strength can be compromised by stress. Therefore, it is essential that we figure out how to go through it. To reduce stress, try taking a bath, lighting a candle you love, watching something funny, meditating, or keeping a diary to journal down your stress levels to figure what's your trigger points.

Make sure you get enough sleep


Even though we take great care to keep ourselves healthy, the value of getting a good night's sleep is something that is frequently disregarded. It is advised that you get regular sleep of at least seven to eight hours every night to keep your immune system strong and keep you safe from various health issues.

Stay hydrated at all times 


Our bodies require water to function properly and strengthen the immune system, so drink enough of water to keep hydrated and prevent the symptoms of dehydration. It supports the body's natural detoxification processes, oxygenation of the blood, and elimination of waste through the digestive system.

However, did you know that having poor oral health could also put a strain on your immune system?

If you have poor oral health, you run the risk of having germs, inflammation, and disorders like gum disease in your mouth. A certain number of immune-fighting cells, including white blood cells and antibodies, are produced by your immune system. 


Therefore, good oral health can help improve your body’s immune system.  

But the good news is that if you want to relieve your stress of worrying about your oral health even if you've thought that you're doing well so far, Difflis Herbal Mouth Spray is another option for you to consider!

There are seven natural extracts in all, but Propolis and Echinacea extracts are the two most important and essential for a strong immune system. While the latter helps strengthen and boost your natural immune defenses, the former is well known for having antibacterial and antiviral properties.


However, if you do have allergies to Propolis, a resin-like substance produced by bees from the buds of poplar and cone-bearing trees, please check with your healthcare professionals for further advice.


Meeting new people can be intimidating, and you may wonder if you have bad breath because you are concerned about your oral health. To alleviate the discomfort, use Difflis Herbal Mouth Spray by spraying it 2-3 times. It will help stop bad breath and provide a soothing sensation from 30 seconds.*

Difflis Herbal Mouth Spray comes in a 15ml mouth spray bottle and may be purchased on their own Shopee store at a recommended retail price of RM25.65 (correct at the time of this article publication),  but if you need it immediately, you can also check out the pharmacies near you.

*Data on file, iNova Pharmaceuticals

immunity boost protection difflis mouth spray


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