Grab User Sends In Complaint Against A Grab Driver Who Refuses To Follow Door-To-Door Grab Policy



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Grab User Sends In Complaint Against A Grab Driver Who Refuses To Follow Door-To-Door Grab Policy

By ellephant

If you’re living in a high-rise building, and you’ve come down to the lobby countless times to get your food, groceries and whatever grab-related, you may have been going the extra mile…

Based on a tweet gone viral on Twitter, a grab user took his concerns to Grab, when a grabdriver sent a message saying that the door-to-door service with Grab for high-rise buildings are no longer appicable.

According to the driver, the reason was lower fares and so drivers now send packages to the lobby, or leave it in the mailbox.

The user was rather flabbergasted by the driver’s response, and decided to take the matter right to the top. Upon posting a screenshot of his conversation with a Grab agent, that shouldn’t have been the case.  

The agent noted that the entire delivery fee on grab, goes to drivers. Therefore, there is no reason for them to decline door-to-door service, unless there are safety restrictions by management to enter a building. Only then, are users to meet drivers at the lobby. 

The user then thanked the agent for the clarification and noted how some riders really ruin a brand’s name. He also sent in a report to Grab, documenting the entire scene.  

Netizens in the comments agreed to what he was saying, sharing their own experiences of how drivers do not in fact follow the door-to-door policy.

Some netizens though, felt the user was going over the top, and that making the lives of riders easier, shouldn’t be an issue.

grabuser grabdriver grab grabpolicy doortodoor


a writer of sorts



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