Your Life-Saving Guide On How To Survive A Crowd Crush



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Your Life-Saving Guide On How To Survive A Crowd Crush

By m7py

In light of the Itaewon Halloween's tragedy, Twitter user @belugasong has put together the must-know tips when you're trapped in a crowd crush.

Let it be at a concert, a gathering, or a packed MRT station, this guide could very well prepare you for the worst. 

1. Take note of all exits at the venue.

Make sure you know where all the emergency exits are before you enter a venue. Don't opt ​​for the main exit whenever in an emergency, as it's where most of the people would go. 

2. Watch for crowd density.

Look if the crowd density reaches six people per square meter or more. This would tell you if the situation has gotten dangerous or not.

3. Know where crowd crush usually happens.

Crowd crush mostly gets dangerous in small spaces such as alleyways, moshpits, or exit hallways. So, leave early if possible, and do not wait until peak hour to avoid getting trapped. 

4. Make space around your chest.

If you find the density increasing around you, make space encircling your chest with your arms. Do not pin your arms to your sides or above your head. This would leave your chest open to being compressed. 

5. Do not take off your backpack.

Taking off your backpack is a major hazard. Someone might trip and make a huge pile-up when they fall over it. 

Check out this
Twitter thread for more tips. 

Our sincere condolences goes out to the family and friends of all of the Itaewon crowd crush victims. 

Source : Twitter

crowd crowdcrush Itaewon korean korea


Thank you for reading!



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