After Surge Of "Mat Rempit" Cases, PDRM Sets Up Hilarious Demonstration During The National Day Parade



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After Surge Of "Mat Rempit" Cases, PDRM Sets Up Hilarious Demonstration During The National Day Parade

By NickDorian

With Hari Merdeka coming to a close, the yearly tradition of our National Day parade never fails to inspire patriotism and finding humour in what you might find in the process, and this year didn't disappoint. From swooning over our muscular soldiers to a cheeky oyen stealing the show, it's safe to say our men and women in uniform have gone all out this year at their displays. However, PDRM have showed us that they can definitely find humour in their work as their installment have left netizens clutching their sides in laughter and amusement.

In a video posted on TikTok, one user managed to catch their parade float as it went by him, but the user noticed something that they couldn't believe. 

@barneyyy_89 lain mcm fly tu #sambutanharikemerdekaanke67#kualalipispahang # original sound - Malaysia Military - Boss Jack

Clearly poking a little bit of fun at their recent roadblocks against "Mat Rempits", PDRM showed their humorous side this year by not only parading a roadblock situation on their float, but also include an actual "Rempit" who looks to be in the middle of performing the infamous "Superman" stunt on his bike.

Safe to say, netizens found this incident clearly hilarious, taking to the comments to praise PDRM for their creativity & tongue-in-cheek humour.

pdrm Hari Merdeka national day parade display float Mat Rempit roadblock


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