Don’t Like Candles? Here Are 5 Alternative Options To Keep Your Room Smelling Great



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Don’t Like Candles? Here Are 5 Alternative Options To Keep Your Room Smelling Great

By Ayunie

Yes, scented candles are cool, but there is a small percentage of the human population who is a bit paranoid about accidentally burning their house down while keeping them around their living space. If you happen to belong in the same category but you still want your room to smell like they've been infested with sweet-smelling candles, here are your options: 

1. DIY It!  

Slice up some lemons, grab a few sticks of cinnamon, rosemary and mint leaves too if you have any; throw them all in a pot, and let them simmer! This handy little concoction will not only make your room smells great but your whole house too! Don't forget to keep your room door open while it simmers.

3. Keeps Your Windows Wide Open  

If you're dealing with some kind of room odour and you want a quick fix, simply open your windows as wide as they can. This will eliminate any odour and while you can't make your room smell good this way, at least it doesn't smell bad. 

3. Reed Diffusers  

This is perfect for those who are not a fan of burning candles in their room. Reed diffusers work the same as a scented candle— the only difference is you don't have to risk burning your house down and they smell just as great! We'd recommend these Hooga reed diffusers: they have tons of positive reviews, comes in various scents and are fairly affordable!

4. Buy Fresh Flowers!

This is a slightly pricier option, but if you have extra money to spend on real, fresh flowers, don't skip on it! Plus, just staring at the pretty flower arrangement in your room is bound to make you feel happy and fulfilled in some way, yes? 

5. Go Back To Basic

Back before scented candles were cool, gel air fresheners used to be the OG. Just because they're less aesthetic than a fancy smelling candle or an air diffuser, doesn't mean they're less functional. 

There you go! With these alternatives, you don't ever need to worry about accidentally committing arson. 

scented candles alternatives decor Scent fragrant how to make room smells great


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