Psychology Quiz: What is the most important thing in your life and what is the first thing that you would give up?



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Psychology Quiz: What is the most important thing in your life and what is the first thing that you would give up?

By joeeeenggg

Everyone has to choose or give up some people and things when they enter the next stage of their lives. So here is a psychology quiz to test you on the most important thing in your life and first the thing that you would give up in life.  

You are traveling around the world with these five animals. However, you use up all your money during the journey. Now you need to sell one of your animals in return for money, which animal would you choose to sell first and last?

A. Sheep

B. Horse

C. Lion

D. Monkey

E. Cow








A. Sheep  

Sheep represents romance. If you have chosen to sell your sheep, it means that romance is not important to you when you have a dilemma. However, if you have decided to keep your sheep until the end, it indicates that romance is extremely important to you and you are willing to give up your career and family for it.

B. Horse  

Horse represents family. It doesn’t mean that you are a bad person if you have chosen to sell your horse first. It simply means that you always believe that your family is there and you don’t have to fight for it while you focus on other things that require more attention and effort from you. On the contrary, if you decided to keep your horse until the end, it indicates that nothing is more important than your family to you and your family is irreplaceable.

C. Lion  

Lion represents dignity. If you have chosen to sell your lion first, it means that you are not afraid to lose yourself to pursue your dream or the things that you want. However, if you have decided to keep your lion until the end, it indicates that you have high self-esteem, you could give up anything just so to protect your dignity.

D. Monkey  

Monkey represents friends and friendship. If you have chosen to sell your monkey first, it means that your friends are not as important as your family and loved ones. It is not that you don't value your friendship, it simply means that you are willing to sacrifice it when there are other more important things. However, if you have decided to keep your monkey until the end, it indicates that friends mean everything to you and you believe that you could overcome all sorts of problems if your friends are with you.

E. Cow  

Cow represents career. If you have chosen to sell your cow first, it means that you don’t think that working is very important as compared to your family, friends and loved ones. You would rather spend time with them than to work. However, if you have decided to keep your cow until the end, it indicates that your career is very important and you probably are a workaholic. You would work very hard just so your leader or boss would notice you.  

Does your result surprise you? Now you understand yourself a bit more than yesterday!

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