Jho Low once Sponsored $100k Worth of Fireworks For Kim K's Wedding, Reports Revealed



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Jho Low once Sponsored $100k Worth of Fireworks For Kim K's Wedding, Reports Revealed

By Ayunie

We all know about Kim Kardashian's iconic 72 days marriage with the now retired professional basketball player Kris Humphries back in 2011. What we don't know is that fugitive businessman known for the 1MDB scandal Jho Low handed the couple $100,000 for fireworks at their wedding.

However, Kim Kardashian never actually him until February 2019 where they partied together in Las Vegas.

According to a report released by Bloomberg, he presented her with a Basquiat piece years later, which prompted her ex-husband Kanye West to request for a Monet. In the report, Kim also recounted a moment where she played Casino with him and several other famous figures in Vegas, in which unusual money transfer was involved.


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kim kardashian Jho low 1mdb Najib razak corruption money Leonardo Dicaprio kanye west


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