Do You Drink Coffee Healthily? Probably Not | 6 Ways To Drink Coffee Heathily



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Do You Drink Coffee Healthily? Probably Not | 6 Ways To Drink Coffee Heathily

By TypoWithCrystalbelle

Coffee is one of the daily essentials for may people. 

A cup of coffee in the morning can give us an energy boost to kick start our day. As the richest natural source of caffeine, coffee has many benefits that can improve our health. For example, it can help us to burn extra fats by increasing our metabolism rate. 

However, drinking coffee in a certain way is not going to benefit our health if we add plenty amount of sugar or if we overdrink it. 

 So, are you drinking your cup of coffee in a healthy way? What are the tips for good coffee drinking habits?


1. Stop Drinking Coffee after 3 p.m.

Having coffee late in the day might interfere with your sleep quality due to the caffeine. As such, you might have trouble falling asleep at night. 

For coffee lovers, you can choose to have a decaf coffee or a cup of tea instead of better sleep quality. 

2. Do Not Overdrink Coffee

Even though everyone’s sensitivity to caffeine is different, we should abstain from drinking 10 cups per day. 

Excessive intake of coffee can cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Health professionals recommend us to drink around 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day with a maximum intake of 400mg of caffeine. 

Another tip will be choosing a small cup of coffee instead of going for the Venti size. This will help you in preventing the excessive intake of coffee.

3. Have Your Cup of Coffee Without Sugar

Most of the 3 in 1 coffee in the market contain a high dose of sugar. We should opt for black coffee powder or coffee beans instead. 

Of course, avoid adding sugar into your black coffee as the health benefits will be eliminated if you turn your coffee drink into a sugary treat. 

If you really need some sweet taste, try adding a natural sweetener like stevia instead. To counter the bitterness, you can add some low-fat milk and cream.

4. Choose an Organic and High-Quality Coffee Beans

For those who grind your own coffee bean at home, it is best if you can buy coffee beans which are organic and with high quality for maximum health benefits. 

The quality of the coffee beans very much depends on the processing method and the place where the coffee beans originated. Organic coffee beans will ensure the minimum amount of pesticides being used on the plant.

5. Add Some Cocoa Powder

Mocha, which is made of espresso, hot milk, sugar, and cocoa powder is the favorite for many of us. However, many of the cafes serve it with a lot of sugar for the best taste. 

To drink it in a healthier way, try to add just cocoa powder into your black coffee. You can be surprised by the new taste. By adding cocoa powder into your coffee, you can include the benefits of dark chocolate into your drink too! 

6. Drink Coffee After a Meal

Most of us drink coffee in the morning as our breakfast with an empty stomach. However, it is actually better to eat some proper food before we enjoy our first cup of coffee for the day. 

Besides, drinking coffee after a meal helps in suppressing our appetite and further avoid us from snacking which will increase our calories intake.

Drinking coffee should be part of our everyday healthy lifestyle. Other than eating a balanced diet and exercising, drinking coffee should be an additional factor that helps us to stay strong, stay healthy, and stay energetic. 

Therefore, let us start to drink coffee healthily today.

Cover Photo: #pulpbyppp

coffee healthy caffeine sugar coffeebean coca


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