Stuck In Paris, Lee Chong Wei Finds Himself Missing Nasi Lemak More Than Ever



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Stuck In Paris, Lee Chong Wei Finds Himself Missing Nasi Lemak More Than Ever

By NickDorian

Travelling overseas is an adventure a lot of us dream of having. New sights to see, a fresh new culture to absorb and of course lots, and lots of exciting food to tickle your taste buds. But the longer you stay away, the more you miss the comforts and tastes of home, as homegrown badminton legend Datuk Lee Chong Wei recently found out.

Celebrating not only the 100-day countdown to the upcoming Paris Olympics, but also his sons 11th birthday, Datuk Lee and his family found their time in France unexpectedly extended as their flight back home became indefinitely delayed due to the ongoing floods in Dubai. With their flight initially scheduled for Friday the 19th of April, the four of them now find themselves spending just a little bit more time in the City of Light.  
"I was supposed to fly back on Friday, but due to the floods in Dubai, our flight can't transit there."

Speaking to Timesport,  Datuk Lee said that despite multiple attempts to secure alternative arrangements, most flights leaving Paris ended up being  canceled. 

"I tried to get another flight out but couldn't because most flights are cancelled anyway."

"The latest I heard is we will fly out on Monday (April 22)," he said, in seemingly good spirits despite the quandary he found himself in.

In the midst of all this, Chong Wei couldn't help but miss a little taste of home, in the form of one of our favourite dishes, Nasi Lemak.  

Earlier this week, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had recorded its heaviest rainfall in its history, disrupting flights through one of the world's busiest airfields for international travel.

It's understandable that being far away from home, and finding yourself in a sticky situation, one would want to find the comforting tastes you grew up with. We certainly hope that Datuk Lee will come home soon and fulfill that craving and be whole once again.

(Source : World Of Buzz, New Straits Times)

Datuk Lee Chong Wei stranded travel cancelled Dubai flood Nasi Lemak United Arab Emirates france paris


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