22-Year-Old Woman Contracts HPV From Manicure, Develops Cauliflower-Shaped Bumps On Finger



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22-Year-Old Woman Contracts HPV From Manicure, Develops Cauliflower-Shaped Bumps On Finger

2 Weeks ago
By Dhiviya

A 22-year-old woman from China, identified as Miss Wang, recently shared her concerning experience on Weibo, which has since gone viral. Miss Wang recounted that after getting a manicure, she noticed small, cauliflower-like bumps forming on her finger near the nail. Alarmed, she sought medical advice and was diagnosed with an infection caused by the Human papillomavirus (HPV).


Miss Wang explained that while the growths around her nail were not painful, they gradually became larger over time. Her dermatologist confirmed that the bumps were warts caused by HPV, a virus that can spread through shared or improperly sterilized tools.


This case has sparked widespread discussion about the hygiene practices in nail salons. According to a dermatologist from the Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the risk of cross-infection increases when manicure tools are reused without proper sterilization. It was emphasized that ensuring each customer gets a fresh or fully sterilized set of tools is crucial to preventing such infections.


The dermatologist further explained that manicure materials often contain chemical ingredients like formaldehyde, which can cause skin allergies, particularly in individuals with weak immune systems. Doctors recommend that those with compromised immunity consider avoiding manicures altogether to minimize the risk of infections and allergic reactions.

Source: Weibo 

woman hpv Manicure bumps Finger


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