M'sian Singer Of Viral Song 'Malampagi' Accused of Abuse & Cheating By Ex-Girlfriend



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M'sian Singer Of Viral Song 'Malampagi' Accused of Abuse & Cheating By Ex-Girlfriend

By peachyunnie

Local singer Saixse, who went viral this year for his single 'Malampagi' is now facing massive backlash after an ex-girlfriend exposed him, allegedly for abuse and cheating. 

The singer's ex-girlfriend initially shared multiple Instagram stories on her situation, first highlighting the alleged cheating. 

She then shared as well about the abuse that she has allegedly been facing throughout her relationship. 
Stepping up on behalf of the ex-girlfriend, a friend has come forward on X, to voice out about the accusations while sharing a story from the ex-girlfriend. 

Seeking more coverage on the matter, the friend says "sedih tau baca kisah my friend kena curang, pukul dengan penyanyi malam pagi bodo ni."

The friend also goes on to say that the ex-girlfriend stayed with him for a long time, even when times were tougher that they had to do food delivery service together. 
In the tweet, a screenshot of the ex-girlfriend's story is shared. 

"4 years of loving a man from nothing to "everything", but now no more."

Netizens are currently reacting to the news, many claiming that they do not even know who this local singer is. However, we do hope the truth comes to light soon enough.

Let us know what do you think!

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