Weird Fun Facts of Celebrities!!!!!



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Weird Fun Facts of Celebrities!!!!!

By SabrinaJ

Celebrities Fun Facts

We all have that weird talent or fun facts about us! Nothing to be ashamed off! EMBRACE IT like these celebrities!!! love them!

1. Harry Styles Juggling Skills!

2. Kendall Jenner makes Bird Noises!

3. Ariana Grande makes Baby Noises

4. Danial Radcliffe can RAP!

5. Jessie J got it all by Singing with her Mouth Closed!

6. Rihanna AMAZING POWER! Walking over grated with Heels!

7. Cara Delevingne Beatbox!

8. Justin Bieber Solving Rubics Cube

9. Taylor Lautner Catches with his Mouth

10. Zendaya eats Ice Cream with her TEETH!

11. Bella Thorne Loves ONIONS

12. Zac Efron makes Spit Bubble with his Tounge

13. Katy Perry weird Frog talent

14. Jennifer Lawrence Mimes

15. Gal Gadot Hula Hoops

16. Dakota Johnson and her Gap Tooth

17. Nicole Kidman east  LIVE BUGS!

18. Cate Blanchett is flexible

19. Jane  Fonda can escap Handcuffs in a split

20. Jessica Chastain a WITCH!?

JessicaChastain JaneFonda Witch handcuffs CateBlanchett flexible talent weird Hidden funfact interesting NicoleKidman Livebugs eats DakotaJohnson gaptooth GalGadot Hulahoops JenniferLawrrence Mimes secret katyperry Frog face zacefron Bubble tounge spit BellaThorne Onions Zendaya icecream teeth TaylorLautner justinbieber rubics solves CaraDelevinge beatbox harrypotter wonderwoman rihanna grates Heels walk JessieJ sings mouthclosed DaniaRadcliffe raps arianagrande babynoises kendalljenner birdnoises HarrySyle juggling


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