4 Sneaky Ways to Drink Water without Drinking Water



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4 Sneaky Ways to Drink Water without Drinking Water

By ellephant

Water, healthy as may be, can be trying for many to take in. Opting for coffee, tea, and other extremely unhealthy can drinks, sometimes it's just easier to say no to water. 


Fortunately though, there are some ways in which, non-water drinkers, can take in their daily dose of water, or make drinking water all the more enticing. Here are 4 of them. 

#1 Fruits with a ton of water 


Fruits ultimately have water in them. But, there are certain fruits which contain so much, that eating them often, could contribute to a good amount of water in your body. 

These include, watermelons, cantaloupes, watermelons, strawberries, oranges, so on and so forth. 

#2 Vegetables with a ton of water 


If you're not someone who enjoys fruit, then fret not, for vegetables have the same qualities as well. Cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini are made up of mostly water. 

Thus, if those 8 glasses a day is getting to you, you could munch on a cucumber for a change. 

#3 Adding in low-calorie additions 


Water is bland, so we're not going to lie and say it's not. Due to that, adding a slice of lemon, or berries, herbs or citrus zest to it, would certainly help it taste better, in turn, making it easier to go down one's throat.

#4 Calorie-free flavoured seltzer 


As long as seltzer water, sparkling or bubbly water does not contain any forms of added sugar, it is also a good option to take in, for your daily dose of water, every once in awhile.  


Water evidently, exists everywhere, so it is really not difficult to find means to getting water inside your body. However, there is no substitute for water, and at the end of the day, drinking a good amount of it, is vital to your health. 

Fortunately though, there can be cheat days, and during these days, why not take a walk on the wild side, no?

water health sneaky drink body tips advice lifestyle


a writer of sorts



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