WATCH: "First Time Someone Asked For Ducks & Not Financial Aid!" Local Politician Surprised By This Mak Cik's Request, "Can You Buy Me Ducks?"



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WATCH: "First Time Someone Asked For Ducks & Not Financial Aid!" Local Politician Surprised By This Mak Cik's Request, "Can You Buy Me Ducks?"

By JustineG

There's a heartwarming video shared by a local politician that has captured the attention of many, prompting a shift in focus from political matters to a more touching narrative. The footage features Mohd. Noor Helmy, a Member of the State Assembly, reached out to provide assistance, particularly to a Mak Cik, eliciting both curiosity and admiration from viewers.

Shared on TikTok, the video quickly gained traction as netizens were charmed by the Mak Cik's demeanour. In the video, YB Helmy is seen visiting the Mak Cik's home with the intention of offering aid and support. 

However, to his surprise, the Mak Cik expresses a unique request she desires nothing more than ducklings. Specifically, she requests 10 ducklings for their eggs and meat, dismissing the idea of obtaining geese and suggesting that the profits from raising ducks could eventually fund the purchase of geese. 

In a light-hearted exchange, she jokingly invites YB Helmy to return in a few years once the ducklings have matured. YB Helmy, moved by the Mak Cik's request, fulfils her dream of acquiring the ducklings, resulting in palpable joy on her part.

The politician himself is both amused and intrigued by the Mak Cik's unconventional wish, pondering aloud, "As a representative, people typically seek aid and welfare, but this Mak Cik only asked for ducks from me. Have I left a lasting impression?"

Responses to the video have been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the Mak Cik's foresight in planning for her future financial stability. Amidst the entertainment, there's a recognition of the wisdom embedded in her simple yet thoughtful request.

malaysia viral latest news Ducks politician surprised mak cik financial curiousity aid welfare


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