King Charles Scrambles As He Was Pelted With Eggs & Yes, There's A Video!



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King Charles Scrambles As He Was Pelted With Eggs & Yes, There's A Video!

By storyteller24

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Today in eggstra dramatic royal news (heh), King Charles and Queen Camilla appear to have been pelted with raw eggs amid the boisterous boos of a large crowd. According to the Associated Press, the incident went down when Charles and Camilla were entering York through a fancy medieval gateway and a man started hurling eggs at them.

Before you scramble (sorry) to find a video, fear not. It's right here:

The egg thrower in question reportedly shouted, "This country was built on the blood of slaves" as he was being detained, while other members of the crowd defended Charles by saying "shame on you" and "God save the King."

Meanwhile, eyewitness Kim Oldfield told the BBC that she was "enjoying" Charles and Camilla's arrival when she heard "some booing" and saw "eggs flying."

"I glanced across, the police just descended on the barrier and tried to drag this chap over the top," she said, adding, "about five eggs he'd managed to send. Camilla sort of flinched a little bit when the booing started but they quelled it really quickly. Just a shame they spoilt what was a lovely moment."

Apparently, Charles managed to take the moment in stride and kept greeting crowds. 

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