Sugar Can Lower Immune System | Tips Of Having Good Immune System



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Sugar Can Lower Immune System | Tips Of Having Good Immune System


Heads up to all sweet tooth or snack lovers, take note on your sugar consumption!

Of course, self-quarantine and social distancing are more efficient in preventing yourself from getting the virus, however, having a strong immune system is definitely a legit backup plan.

It is totally understandable that one might feel bored from staying at home all day, or getting tired from WFH, some tidbits seem to be very comforting and reasonable. In fact, it is NOT if you are taking up TOO MUCH SUGAR!  

#Here's why...

Putting aside the sugar that is found in fruits or natural sources, which is good for your body with adequate consumption, processed sugar tends to leave your body some unpleasant effects, like an increase in anxiety, diabetes, and even early death. Sugar, surprisingly, could suppress your immune system as well!  

A board-certified internist and gastroenterologist, Niket Sonpal, explained that "consuming too much sugar can affect the cells in your immune system that target bacteria," as it is affecting how your white blood cells fight bacteria. On top of that, "sugar triggers low-grade inflammation in the body and also increases the mass," which can lead to chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

What's more? The medical lead at Forward, Nate Favini, says that diabetes seems to be a common thing in people that confirmed to have Covid-19. “This suggests that having higher levels of sugars in your blood could make it easier to contract COVID-19.”

#So how much is too much?

Research shows that 75 to 100 grams of sugar solution can weaken your immune system. To put it into a clearer picture, 2 cans of coke, is all it takes. The effect starts as soon as 30 minutes after your consumption and it could last up to 5 hours.

#What should I do to have a good immune system?

1. Watch your diet and sugar consumption

A balanced diet is all it takes. If you can't help yourself from having those delicious snacks and sweets, look for those alternatives.

2. Body and Mind Reset

Practice 7-1-1: 7 hours of sleep, 1 hour of sweating exercise, 1 minute of mind contemplating time at least, to reset your body and mind to the good and positive condition. 

3. Hygiene is the key

No point of having a top-notch immune system, but constantly exposing yourself to thread. Keep yourself safe and hygienic is as important.

Information source from HUFFPOST

covid19 Coronavirus corona COVID-19 immunesystem sugar


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