WATCH: Netizens Slam Cheese Tart Seller For Responding Rudely To This Man's Honest Review



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WATCH: Netizens Slam Cheese Tart Seller For Responding Rudely To This Man's Honest Review

By JustineG

With the prevalence of online reviews, anyone can become a food critic. By checking Google reviews for a restaurant, you can quickly determine if it's worth a visit based on the overall ratings. But it's essential to remember that taste is subjective; what one person loves, another may not. This diversity of preferences is not only acceptable but also provides valuable feedback for businesses to enhance their offerings based on customer input.

All it takes is a quick glance at the Google reviews of a particular restaurant, and you'll likely make a dining decision based on the majority opinion. But it's essential to remember that taste is subjective; what one person loves, another may not. This diversity of preferences is not only acceptable but also provides valuable feedback for businesses to enhance their offerings based on customer input.

However, in a recent incident, a cheese tart seller couldn't handle a popular TikToker's food review of her desserts and responded with inappropriate comments, sparking controversy. In a video posted by Jason, also known as @scaredtodie on TikTok, he embarked on a culinary adventure at the Absolut Food Fest, sampling various dishes from spaghetti to a RM15 iced lemon drink and, of course, the Cheese Buncit Tarts.

Jason, a sucker for cheese, offered his honest review of the desserts, describing them as mediocre, with an unusual cheese flavour and poorly mixed fillings on top. He even gave them a rating of 3.5 out of 10, highlighting his disappointment on how it was RM15 for 6 tiny pieces.

Following the video's release, the cheese tart seller stumbled upon a comment from an individual who expressed reluctance to try the tarts due to Jason's less-than-stellar review.

Rather than taking this as an opportunity for improvement, the seller launched into a petty rant on TikTok. She questioned, "Who is this Jason?" and defended her product by noting that out of hundreds of reviews, she'd received only a handful of negative ones. She sarcastically suggested that everyone's tastebuds are different but they can't force those who eat "short-legged cows" (pigs) to eat nasi lemak, implying that her critic had an unsophisticated palate. The video concluded with her asserting that it was everyone's loss if they listened to people like Jason.

This reaction video quickly went viral, but not for the right reasons. Many viewers deemed the seller's response rude and unprofessional. As a business owner, she should have viewed criticism as an opportunity for growth and appreciated customers who took the time to review her food. Responding with condescending and inappropriate remarks seemed unethical to many.

In response to the video, Jason acknowledged that he was not widely known and respected the idea that everyone has different taste buds. However, he raised concerns about the seller's use of the "short-legged cows" term, which he felt was an unnecessary attempt to stir up controversy.

Netizens overwhelmingly sided with Jason, expressing disappointment in the seller's behaviour. Many decided not to try her cheese tarts after witnessing her reaction. Some who had sampled her tarts suggested that the taste could use improvement and hoped the seller would take negative feedback constructively. They emphasized that Jason was just like any other paying customer, entitled to share his honest feedback.

malaysia viral news latest cheese tart absolut food fest honest review ratings seller respond rudely inappropriate Jason scaredtodie tiktok influencer


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