[Video] Thai Woman Allegedly Pushed From 23rd Floor By Druggie Local Boyfriend, Died In The Condo Swimming Pool



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[Video] Thai Woman Allegedly Pushed From 23rd Floor By Druggie Local Boyfriend, Died In The Condo Swimming Pool


A 32-year-old Thai woman is believed to have been pushed from the 23rd floor of a local apartment by her Malaysian boyfriend, who has a criminal record involving drugs. The tragic incident resulted in her fatal fall into a swimming pool on the 7th floor.


Police responded to the scene and arrested a 37-year-old Indian suspect with eight criminal charges and a positive drug test. The authorities are currently investigating the case under the charge of murder.

The incident took place yesterday evening in a Shah Alam apartment in Selangor.


Assistant Commissioner Mohamad Iba, the head of the Shah Alam police district, stated that the police received a report from a Malay man at 10:02 pm, prompting an immediate investigation.

In a press release this morning, he revealed that the deceased, a 32-year-old unemployed Thai national, was in a romantic relationship with the suspect.

"Witnesses reported hearing an argument between the deceased and the suspect before seeing her pushed off the 23rd floor, resulting in her fatal plunge into the 7th-floor swimming pool," said Mohamad Iba.

The police arrested the Indian suspect (37 years old, a lorry driver) at the scene at 10:10 pm yesterday. The suspect has a history of seven criminal charges and one drug-related offence, with a positive marijuana test.
**Swipe left to watch the video. Click here if you can't view it. 

The suspect will be taken to the Shah Alam court this morning for remand. The police are investigating the case under Section 302 of the Penal Code, which involves murder. If convicted, the suspect could face the death penalty or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 40 years, along with a possible whipping of not more than 12 strokes.

Mohamad Iba urged anyone with further information on the case to contact investigating officer Mohamad Khairi, Assistant Superintendent of Police, at 0122666025.


Thai woman local boyfriend girlfriend condo condominium swimming pool murder malaysian criminal drug drugged addict indian


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