Reasons Why 'How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies' Is A Must-Watch Movie In 2024



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TV & Movies

Reasons Why 'How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies' Is A Must-Watch Movie In 2024

By ellephant

'How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies' is the latest Thai movie to have hit the cinemas, and since its released, we've seen tons and tons of moviegoers cry their eyes out for it. 

From GSC shots of audiences sobbing away, to cinema usherers giving out tissues prior to watching, and the countless reviews on social media, it is without a doubt, one movie that has left an impact. 

That being said, we're listing down a few reasons why it's a must-watch, based on what netizens have said. 

Check it out. 

#1 It's different

A different story line with which audiences can relate to, whether that may be wholistically, or surface level. 

#2 It's real

The emotions and actions of the characters are very much likened to how people are in real life, which makes it the connection from fiction to reality, stronger. 

#3 It's raw

When all is stripped away, it's simply a movie that bares the depths of soul, we're all sappy when it comes to them feels. 

#4 It's value

The take-home lessons, as common and heard of, are of a long list. But here are some:

- Some people cry and some don't, because each journey with a loved one is different, and that's okay. 

- As the young thrive in adulthood, remember to keep loved ones close.

- Appreciate the people around you, before it's too late.

4 solid reasons to tune in, head to a cinema near you for an unforgettable experience!

movie Thai mustwatch 2024 sad Family


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