You Wanna Know The Secrets To A Long-Term Relationship? Here's The Tea!



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You Wanna Know The Secrets To A Long-Term Relationship? Here's The Tea!

By ellephant

Long-term relationships are hard, but you know what's even harder? Maintaining one. 

Nevertheless, they are not impossible and we intend to lay out all the best tips for you to keep in mind if you're in a relationship. 

Check them out down below. 

1. Assumption is the death of curiosity  

Do not assume anything. Always ask your significant other, no matter what. It's important you always give them the time and space to grow, and you to continue to learn. 

Making blanket statements like 'oh she/he always...' is never the way to go about it.

2. The seven year itch  

When you reach 7 years, it's advisable to do something that is big and life changing. Something to explore together perhaps, to refresh your life together. 

3. Judge by capacity vs judge by intent  

Judging someone based on the bigger picture, about what he/she is going through at that particular time  before doing it. 

4. It's not compromise, it's collaboration  

When you're both thinking differently or want to do things different, it's going to be a collaboration on working towards a middle ground. Framing is important. 

5. Always clown, always down  

You have to be best friends with your partner, it is non-negotiable. You have to laugh a lot with your significant other and you just have to always be open to trying things together. 

6. Have your own own-able space  

You each have to have your own space at home physically, you each have to have your own hobbies, your own voice. This way you get to support the other person and you don't step on each other. 

7. Growing apart can be a bridge instead of an exit.  

People become different people over time, and that's good. It's important to learn the new people you and your significant other becomes over time. 

It can teach people that even if you don't agree with that person, you can always love and respect them. 

And there you have it, all the tips you need to maintain a long-term relationship!

relationship long-term tips love partner


a writer of sorts



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