"Allergic To OKUs," Adeline Chang Harasses Food Delivery Rider, Refuses To Pay After Finding Out He's Disabled



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"Allergic To OKUs," Adeline Chang Harasses Food Delivery Rider, Refuses To Pay After Finding Out He's Disabled

By peachyunnie

A recent incident at Bandar Utama with a deaf food delivery rider trying to send a drink to a customer has caused a great deal of outrage among the people.

The driver encountered unanticipated animosity at the woman's terrace residence, when she declined to receive her delivery. 

Adeline, the woman, refused the drink, saying that OKUs (those with disabilities) are dirty. She insisted that the deaf rider return the drink and refused to pay for it. 

The rider was clearly distressed and on the edge of tears, but he found it difficult to express it. 

A tough video to swallow, truly. 

However, rather than displaying compassion, Adeline persisted in her refusal to pay and started making fun of and harassing the driver in a video. 

Later, she shared the video on Facebook, claiming to be allergic to drinks that OKU drivers had provided and calling them filthy. 

But this post was removed very quickly.

The video was widely criticized by internet users as it soon became viral. The outcry was immediate, with many demanding that Adeline be held accountable for her prejudiced actions.

Adeline apologises less than a day after the incident made headlines. 

Though she has made an effort to apologize, the public is still adamant that she be held responsible for her conduct. 

Netizens are also showing sympathy to the rider, many claiming that they would pay on her behalf and would like to gift the rider any thing they can afford.

"Macam mana keadaan abang grab ini? Dah bayar ke belum, saya nak bayarkan untuk abang grab. Sedih tengok, macam mana nak contact abang grab ini? Nak bagi sedikit bantuan untuk abang grab ini", said one netizen. 

We do hope that the rider is compensated for this difficult and unjust situation faced.

Deaf Rider grab food delivery Adeline Trouble Rude action netizens malaysians pity trending viral goody goodymy


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