9 Pretty Compliments That Go Beyond Looks & Touches The Soul



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9 Pretty Compliments That Go Beyond Looks & Touches The Soul

By ellephant

Giving compliments to someone about the way they dress and how they look is amazing. It makes a person feel good, it boosts self-esteem and brings two people closer to each other. 

Nevertheless, there are compliments which transcend physique, and it is in those moments, we feel so much more love and appreciation, than we ever thought possible. 


Here are 9 of them which are so much more that speak to more on who you are on the inside. 

1. I feel safe in your energy

2. I wish there were more people like you in the world

3. You make me feel less alone


4. I'm so glad we get to exist here at the same time

5. I really like who I am when I'm with you

6.  I love the way you see the world


7. Everyone deserves to have a person like you in their life

8. You make me feel like I belong

9. To be who you are, despite all that you have been through is beautiful

Now you have a list of options more than 'you're hot', blow her away why don't you. 


From: @thoughtcatalog

compliments deep mind soul heart life love bond connection energy


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