Kedah Woman Jumps Into Drain After Family Dispute, Husband Jumps In To Rescue Her



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Kedah Woman Jumps Into Drain After Family Dispute, Husband Jumps In To Rescue Her

By MJC97

In a dramatic turn of events stemming from a family dispute, a young woman, seemingly overwhelmed by domestic issues, took a perilous plunge into a nearby drainage canal amidst heavy rain this morning. Fortunately, her husband swiftly intervened, bravely leaping into the deep trench to rescue her.  

The incident unfolded around 9 a.m. in the commercial district of Baka Jaya Aran, where what began as a familial disagreement escalated into a harrowing scenario of spousal intervention.

Reports indicate that the woman, a mother of three, became embroiled in an argument with her family earlier in the morning. Fueled by emotions, she impulsively fled the household, with her husband closely following behind. In the tumult, the husband stumbled, sustaining minor injuries to his knee.

Witnessing his wife's desperate leap into the canal, the husband disregarded personal safety and leaped after her, ultimately managing to pull her to safety.  

Upon receiving reports, the local security team and volunteer firefighters promptly arrived at the scene to provide assistance, ensuring the safe return of the couple to their residence.

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