Most of you dream to see a defined jawline when you look into the mirror. And, now you can with these 4 easy hacks to lose those pounds on your face and sculpt that jaw naturally!
1- Suck it in
Do facial exercises like sucking in both of your cheeks twice per day for 8 weeks to tone facial muscles. Over time, you'll combat aging and make your face look slimmer.
2- Use a face roller
After washing your face daily, use the face roller to massage around your jawline. Throw in a serum into the massage, as it helps. Doing this boosts blood and oxygen circulation. Plus, it tightens your skin.
3- Get in a calorie deficit
While you cannot spot-reduce your face fat, getting into a calorie deficit helps you lose your overall weight. This would help get your face to look slimmer as well. Here's a formula to help you build each of your meal:
- 25% protein
- 25% complex carbohydrates
- 50% non-starchy vegetables
- A serving of healthy fats

4- Cut out salt from your diet
Your salt intake makes your body retain more water! In turn, your weight reading are much higher. Skip any takeout, ready-made meals, store-bought sauces, and processed foods.

Try these hacks at home & get that jawline of your dreams NOW!