Bangsar Incident Raises Opinions on Race



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Bangsar Incident Raises Opinions on Race

By ellephant

Living in a country with multiple races and religions, can be so rich when it comes to language, culture, food, celebrations, so on and so forth. 

It is a blessing indeed. Nevertheless, that very fact also brings its own set of problems. The biggest of those problems: racism.  

Although contained to a certain extent, this country has been one to deal with racism and segregation since colonization days. 

From the big-scale injustices like job opportunities, education and politics to smaller scaled ones like racial slurs, stereotypes, indifference and discrimination, we have most certainly seen it all.  

As wrong and unfair as those scenarios have proven to be, after a drunken murder incident early yesterday morning at Bangsar, netizens are convinced that more times than not, it is people of their own race, who continue to propagate racists stereotypes. 

Taking to Twitter, many express their frustration regarding the whole matter, and this is what a few of them thought:

Based on verified sources, the incident was about man who had gotten in a group fight bled to death, after being stabbed and slashed with a knife and beer bottles. The brawl (March 13), was reported to have happened due to unsolved problems from the past. Read more here

Racial stereotypes are not okay, that’s a guarantee. 

But a valid question, regardless of race, has been brought to attention. Do we live up to the very racists stereotypes we hate? And if so, shouldn't we be spending more time putting our efforts, into debunking them instead?  

race stereotype racialslur racism discrimination injustice murder bangsar netizens twitter fight question


a writer of sorts



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