Ctrl A to Z: Keyboard Shortcuts That Will Boost Your Productivity



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Ctrl A to Z: Keyboard Shortcuts That Will Boost Your Productivity

By MJC97

Okay, let me just set things straight before we begin, if you are still using your mouse to copy and paste, then you need to read this article! 


You need keyboard shortcuts in your life because they provide a quicker and easier way to type and navigate the features of your laptop with only a single press of one or more keys. Without these shortcuts, you will have to click several times on your mouse to get it done!


Keyboard shortcuts save precious time, especially when you’re minutes away from a deadline and need to copy and paste some random information in your report to make it look good. 

Here are all the ctrl shortcuts from A to Z, you use them you will have to press ctrl followed by the next alphabet or other button as stated below:

Ctrl+A: To select all text or objects in a document or folder

Ctrl+B: To bold highlighted text, start by highlighting the text you want to bold then hit this shortcut. 

Ctrl+C: To copy any selected text or another object, start by selecting the text or object you’d like to bold press the shortcut. 

Ctrl+D: To bookmark an open web page or open font window in Microsoft Word.

Ctrl+E: To center text.

Ctrl+F: To open find window. This will come in handy when you’re trying to search for a specific word within a document. 

Ctrl+G: To open Find in a browser and word processors.

Ctrl+H: To open the Find and Replace in Notepad, Microsoft Word, and WordPad. Like if you want to replace every single “Tuesday” in your document to “Monday”, you will use this shortcut to do so.

Ctrl+I: To italicize text.

Ctrl+J: To view downloads in browsers and set justify alignment in Microsoft Word.

Ctrl+K: To create a hyperlink for the highlighted text in Microsoft Word and many HTML editors.

Ctrl+L: To select address bar in a browser or left align text in a word processor.

Ctrl+M: To Indent selected text in word processors and other programs.

Ctrl+N: To create a new page or document or folder.

Ctrl+O: To open a file in most programs.

Ctrl+P: To open a print window to print the page you're viewing.

Ctrl+R: To reload page in browser or right align text in a word processor.

Ctrl+S: To save the document or file.

Ctrl+T: To create a new tab in an Internet browser or adjust tabs in word processors.

Ctrl+U: To underline any selected text.

Ctrl+V: To paste any text or another object that has been copied.

Ctrl+W: To close an open tab in a browser or close a document in Word.

Ctrl+X: To cut selected text or another object.

Ctrl+Y: To redo any action that was undone.

Ctrl+Z: To undo any action.

Ctrl+End: To move cursor to the end of a document instead of end of the line.

Ctrl+Esc: To open the Windows Start Menu.

Ctrl+Tab: To switch between open tabs in browsers or other tabbed programs.

Now, you can show off to your friends. 


Source: Advance Africa

windows keyboard keyboard shortcuts Productivity mouse ctrl


Just another human, trying to survive.



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