Tragic Triple Homicide: Man Killed Wife, Stepson & Mother-In-Law, Stayed With The Bodies For 5 Days



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Tragic Triple Homicide: Man Killed Wife, Stepson & Mother-In-Law, Stayed With The Bodies For 5 Days

By storyteller24

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Psychopath? Anger management issues? Overreaction? 

In a shocking incident in New Taipei City's Sanchong District, a 24-year-old man named Zhang was arrested for killing his 30-year-old wife, her 69-year-old mother, and his 3-year-old stepson. 

Zhang, suspecting his wife of infidelity, strangled her on May 1st, then killed his mother-in-law and stepson the next day due to a financial dispute and fear of being discovered. 

He stayed in the house with the bodies for five days, even inviting an aquarium maintenance worker, before fleeing on May 6th. The bodies were discovered on May 11th after Chen's sister, unable to reach them, went to their home and alerted authorities due to a foul smell.

Source: Goody25

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