Food Photography | 7 Simple Tips You Can Use To Create Nice IG Story For Your Yummy Food



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Food Photography | 7 Simple Tips You Can Use To Create Nice IG Story For Your Yummy Food

By Jada

Are you always jealous of other people's IG story that posts food? Do you think it's difficult to create a nice IG story to show off the delicious food that you just ate?

That's wrong! Today I am going to teach you how to make beautiful IG stories to show off the yummy food.  

1. Use Overlapping Words

Use the "STRONG" font to type the word and choose the color you want as the background color [Ps. You combine other fonts with "STRONG" font]. Next, type the same word as the overlapping word, and choose a bright color. Finally, select the graffiti, adjust the fineness to the lowest, and draw the pattern you want.  

2. Create irregular Frames

Upload a photo, then use the graffiti tool to draw the shape of the frame. If you want the font in the middle, use the graffiti tool too!  

3. Separate The Letter Of Word

First, you have to choose a picture with a lot of physical colors. After that, type your own word with each letter separates from each other, and remember to put the background color for each letter. Then, arrange them in the position you want.  

4. Draw Shape Of The Food

Drawing the shape of the food with the graffiti tool is another way to make a creative IG story.

In the beginning, you may feel that it doesn't look good. But, I can assure you that you will find your artistic talent after drawing!  

5. Simple and Clean Method

If you like a clean and simple IG story, you can use the "STRONG" font to type the word you want and arrange it neatly.  

6. Font Matching

The easiest and the most distinctive way is to use different fonts for different words.  

7. Using Different Colors

Font matching is the most important thing, but what makes the whole picture attractive is the color matching.    

Isn't it super simple? Start creating wonderful food postings on your IG with these tips!

#ig #instagram #food #instagramstory #IGStory


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