“This Is Plain Rude!” Famous M’sian TikToker Criticised For Disrespecting Popular Local Tea Stall Owner With Condescending Questions



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“This Is Plain Rude!” Famous M’sian TikToker Criticised For Disrespecting Popular Local Tea Stall Owner With Condescending Questions

By peachyunnie

Influencers visiting little roadside vendors to review their goods while making purchases and interviewing the seller is a popular TikTok trend. 

However, sometimes content creators can take their jokes a little too far.

The disrespectful treatment of a masala tea vendor, has caused fury among netizens after this specific TikToker's video resurfaced

In the video, the TikToker rode a bicycle to the well-known tea kiosk and gave the owner RM 100.

He then asked improper questions, questioned the preparation techniques and cup sizes, and even made racially offensive comments while requesting 100 cups of masala tea. 

The TikToker even suggested that the tea stall owner might be avoiding taxes because of his purported RM100,000 in earnings. 

In addition, he raised doubts about the vendor's and his employees' nationalities, implying that they were not natives but rather from Bangladesh. He made comments such as:

“Do you even need a license here? Roadside stalls dont require licenses, do they?”

His tone became increasingly condescending as he implied that roadside businesses thrive because they avoid paying taxes and do not require operating licenses.

Throughout the interaction, the vendor appeared visibly uncomfortable with the intrusive and accusatory questions.

The video swiftly went viral on social media platform X, garnering harsh criticism from many netizens who denounced the TikToker for being impolite and seemingly determined to damage the vendor's reputation rather than providing sincere support like other reviewers.

In defence of the masala tea vendor, several users pointed out that the stall has previously been featured in reputable local media and is likely to comply with legal regulations due to its public visibility.

Netizens also drew comparisons between the TikToker and well-known influencers like Pin Yang and KA, praising the latter for their professionalism and positive contributions to small businesses.


local tiktok malaysian tea Stall owner Rude disrespectful sam lim trending viral news goody goodymy


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