Msian Woman Argues Why Nasi Lemak Shouldn’t Be A National Dish, And People Got Things To Say



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Msian Woman Argues Why Nasi Lemak Shouldn’t Be A National Dish, And People Got Things To Say

By Ayunie

Another day, another interesting discourse on Twitter. 

A woman expressed her thoughts on Nasi Lemak being Malaysia's national dish and how she disagrees with the notion that one should associate a certain dish as a statue of national identity as it is an incorrect tool of representation.

On a surface level, it does come across as an unnecessary criticism against the well-loved dish that well... every Malaysian can identify with. As with any controversial tweet, this quickly garnered attention and heated discourse. Here are some of the responses:

It is certainly somewhat heartwarming to see Malaysians across different races teaming up to defend Nasi Lemak, further proving that when it comes to food, Malaysians really don't play play. Now, let's see the whole thread and analyze what the fuss is about:

Based on the entire thread, the main point is this: according to the owner of these tweets, she does not subscribe to the idea that food should be associated with race, nor should it necessarily become a national symbol of cultural diversity. How much do you agree?  

At the end of the day, to each their own, ey? 

malaysia national DISH nasi lemak twitter


Matcha-fueled Aries reporting for duty.



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