WATCH: Uncle’s “One Hand” Technique Leaves Fitness Guy Speechless



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Health & Fitness

WATCH: Uncle’s “One Hand” Technique Leaves Fitness Guy Speechless

6 Days ago
By DN21

Imagine seeing old folks having greater stamina than you

That was the case for this fitness enthusiast, after witnessing an old man’s very impressive one-hand pull-up stunt.

The video, which he shared on TikTok, showed the uncle effortlessly executing the technique without breaking a sweat. 

As he stood behind silently watching, he couldn’t help but express a pang of embarrassment over the uncle’s “flex”.

Many viewers were certainly tickled by the sight, and were even more impressed by the uncle’s ability to casually walk away without tumbling.

#goodymy #GoodyDN21 #fyp #viral #TikTok #Malaysia #fitness #stamina #pullup #exercise


Writing is a form of escapism. A picture may convey a thousand words, but it only takes ONE story to captivate all.



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