Lets You Get and Offer Help



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News Lets You Get and Offer Help

By xweienx

If there is one good thing coming out of this pandemic, it is that Malaysians will grow closer and stronger. This can be seen as Malaysians from all walks of life are coming together to help those in need through the #BenderaPutih movement.  

To make things easier, Terato Tech, a company in Selangor developed a website - to request for help and also offer it. The CEO explained that a digital solution is needed, especially because of the current movement control orders (MCO) making it difficult for people to provide help.  

Lauched just a few days ago, the app started off by listing food banks then allowing people to request for help by pinning a white flag. Since then, there have been thousands of users offering food bank locations and help.

To open the app, just head over to . Once there, you will be able to scroll around the map and click on the food bank and white flag pins for more information such as required items and a contact number.  

For those that need help, do click on "Saya perlu bantuan!" (I need help). You can then drag the pin to your location on the map, input your name, contact number, and your condition (such as what you require).  

As for those who want to help by providing food banks, you may click on "Saya ingin bantu" (I wish to help). Similarly, drag the pin to your location on the map, input your name or company name, contact, and how would you help (such as things provided in your food bank and exact location).  

The pandemic has been hard on everyone, but while some still have their jobs and salaries, others are stretching their savings thin and might be on the last few Ringgits to live off. It is times like these that race, age, and culture should be put aside and we help each other as humans. KitaJagaKita white flag bendera putih kitajaga


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