WATCH: Son Gets Entire School To Sing "Happy Birthday" To His Mom As A Birthday Surprise In A Wholesome Video



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WATCH: Son Gets Entire School To Sing "Happy Birthday" To His Mom As A Birthday Surprise In A Wholesome Video

By Ayunie

How adorable is this?!

Students from SMK King George V, Seremban have teamed up and organized a lovely little surprise for one of the students mom for her birthday. The video of the surprise was then uploaded on TikTok and went viral.

In the video, everybody gathered and stood out in the building and started singing the classic Happy Birthday song the moment the mother walked towards the male dormitory part of the school, and moments later the son arrived with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, secretly handed to him by one of his peers. What makes the moment even sweeter is that all the students even called her Ibu in their choir, which touched the mother greatly. In her caption, she says: "Bless my son, I'm blushing. Thank you for the surprise abang, you've made my day. I love you!"

What an endearing moment, and surely all mothers deserve this kind of queen treatment. This particular mother certainly did raise her son well!

What do you think of this video? Leave a comment below!

smk king george v seremban negeri sembilan happy birthday surprise mother


Matcha-fueled Aries reporting for duty.



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