WATCH: "Don't Forget To Get Your Parents' Blessings!" Local Uztaz Says Couples Who Eloped To Thailand For Marriage Deemed Sinful



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WATCH: "Don't Forget To Get Your Parents' Blessings!" Local Uztaz Says Couples Who Eloped To Thailand For Marriage Deemed Sinful

By JustineG

Amid rumours swirling around a celebrity's child marrying a married man in Thailand, a viral video featuring Ustaz Azhar Idrus (UAI) discussing marriage legality in Thailand has emerged. 

UAI acknowledges that marriages conducted in Thailand are legally recognized, but according to Malaysian law, they should be registered locally. He clarifies that decisions about marriages outside Malaysia vary in validity. 

@sewakedaimydin Adakah Sah Nikah Di Thailand Sedangkan Wali Masih Hidup Di Malaysia Kerana Takut Wali Tidak Setuju #pemilikhatiberbicara #tanya #tanyajawab #ilmu #ilmuagama #soaljawabagama #marimengaji #jomtalaqqi #maritalaqqi #ilmufeqah #murobbiberbicara #ulamafeqah #alquran #hadis #ijmak #qiyas #gurumurshid #ceramah #tausiahagama #ceramahislam #ceramahagama #ceramahpendek #ceramahsingkat #ilmubermanfaat #duniaislam #akhirat #dakwah #islam #dakwah_islam #islamic_video #tokfeqah #ustaz #uai #uaioriginal #ustazazharidrusofficial #ustazazharidrus original sound -

Therefore, couples eloping to marry in Thailand are advised to register their marriage again in Malaysia for legal clarity. UAI explains that upon their return, the court examines various factors to determine the marriage's validity.

However, many couples opt for a Thai marriage due to parental disapproval, seeking to legitimize their relationship. UAI cautions that eloping can deeply wound parental sentiments, constituting a major sin. 

He emphasizes the importance of seeking parental blessings before embarking on marital life.

malaysia viral news religion marriage wedding elope blessings parents Family uztaz


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