How to Report Your Positive Covid-19 Test Results



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How to Report Your Positive Covid-19 Test Results

By xweienx

The number of positive cases in Malaysia seems to be showing signs of a downwards trend thanks to most citizens following the SOP, the people working in the health department, and of course, huge thanks to the brave frontliners who put their lives at risk each and every day for the betterment of others.  

To make contact tracing and our lives a little easier, the team behind MySejahtera are also working hard to provide us new features for contact tracking. Did you know, they have also added a function to upload your positive test results?

In the unfortunate incident where you have been tested positive, it is crucial to upload the results to MySejahtera as soon as possible to help with the government's efforts in contact tracing. Here's how:

Method 1 (For official clinical tests):

Go to helpdesk, choose option F - "I am COVID-19 positive and would like to report my results. Then, fill in your details and upload your lab results.  

Method 2 (For self-testing):

Go to helpdesk, choose option G - "I want to update my COVID-19 Self Test Report". Then, fill in your details and update your self-test results.  

KKM also reminded us that if we have a negative lab test or clinic test, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT upload the negative test results because the system does not know how to differentiate between the results and will label you as "POSITIVE".

For self-testing, it is OK to mention your negative results.

So, to avoid any trouble, it'd be best to just keep any negative results to yourself. But if (touchwood) you did get positive, do your part and report it to MySejahtera right away!

covid pandemic covid19 MySejahtera app report test selftest


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