Hermès Full Leather Mahjong Set is worth the price of a car?! | Wanna play?



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Hermès Full Leather Mahjong Set is worth the price of a car?! | Wanna play?


How to upgrade a simple neighbourhood gambling game? Go to casino? No, no, no. We "Hermès" it.  Hermès has just came out with a luxurious set of mahjong, called Helios Mahjong Set.

Mahjong is a well-known game among the Chinese. The word itself, means "squabbling sparrow" - an allusion to the noise made by the 144 tiles that are shuffled when playing the game. Therefore, you will hear people playing it from miles away, because the noise is very loud. 


But, with Hermès Helios Mahjong Set, you will only hear a sweet "delicate sparrow" singing. Made out of solid palissander rosewood and printed Swift calfskin - a super soft and fine texture leather, which ensures a delicate rustling sound when you shuffle it. With the wooden-feel of each tiles, and the decent sound that it is making, you definitely gonna feel very comfortable playing. I mean like the-royal-highness-kind-of-comfort, posh, elegant and rich!

The set came with a nice box with compartments that fits all the tiles and stuff perfectly. According to the officials, the dimensions of the set is : L 43 x D 43 x H 10 cm. As impressive it looks, the price is VERY IMPRESSIVE as well! One set of Helios Mahjong Set is gonna cost you RM186,700!!!! Which is the price of a car! 



So, a question to you, is this worth it? Will you buy the mahjong set or you will use that budget to get a car instead? If you ask me, investment better, hahahaha....

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