Woman Brings Pet Dog Into A Machines Store, Argues With Staff



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Woman Brings Pet Dog Into A Machines Store, Argues With Staff

By DN21

A shopper entering the Machines Main Place store was caught on camera for bringing in her pet dog, despite the “no pets allowed” policy within the establishment.

In a video taken by a witness yesterday, a staff was seen politely asking the woman to leave the canine outside, as she had gone in with an intention of purchasing a cable. 


Date 13/4/2024 Time 1810pm Place : Machines Main Place Kejadian berlaku apabila kami hendak membayar dikaunter. Datang seorang wanita dlm lingkungan 30an membawa anjing didalam permis untuk membeli kabel. Staff machine dengan baik mmeberitahu NO PETS ALLOWED didalam kedai. Wanita tersebut tidak puas hati since when katanya. Staff memberitahu dia boleh membeli tapi harus membawa keluar anjing tersebut sebab semua staff muslim dan mmg undang2 tidak boleh membawa Pets. Ketika didalam kedai terdapat family berbangsa India yang Ingin membeli phone, lalu dia pun mengatakan please understand apa yg staff machine katakan. My husband pun ckp make it easy bawak je anjing keluar lepas tu masuk dan beli. Ternampak kelibat i ambil video terus dia menuju ke arah i dan marah kenapa ambil video dia. Saya kata if u nak i delete better keluar dr kedai. Akhirnya kami terpaksa memanggil pihak security. Hairan dengan pengurusan pihak mall Yg penting bukan Chinese Malaysia. @mainplacemallusj @machinesmy @adunsubangjaya @michelle.ngmeisze @mpsj

original sound - Zetyzarina - Zetyzarina

Feeling dissatisfied, she replied with “since when?” to the staff, who then explained that pets are strictly prohibited from entering the mall. 

It’s unknown how she was able to enter in the first place. 

#goodymy #GoodyDN21 #fyp #viral #TikTok #Malaysia #usj #subang #machines #machinesstore #nopets #policy #mainplaceusj


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