Jewelry For The Year Of The Ox!



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Jewelry For The Year Of The Ox!

By xweienx

According to the Chinese Zodiac and the Chinese calendar, this year is the year of the Ox. That means in the upcoming weeks, malls will be filled with countless ox-related decorations, from cute cartoons to dominating statues. Not only that, stores will stock up with ox design clothes, snacks, and of course, red packets! All this significance brings us into the mood of celebration for a fresh start and helps us forget the (unforgettable) year last year. With that said, here are some ox-themed gold jewelry that will definitely put you into a good mood:  

1. Pandora

Pandora is perhaps best known for its charms and this year they have released a few different charms with a few different personalities. The first charm, made with sterling silver, has an adorable 14k gold nose ring. It carries a firecracker that scares away evil in Chinese culture, and bear a few heart shapes on its body.  

The second charm is a simple yet beautiful sterling silver ox, signifying one that is steady, honest, gentle and reliable. The ox is a symbol of hard work and work hard you shall in the coming year with this on your hands.  

For those looking for something brighter, the third charm is 18k gold plated with sparkling zirconia crystal eyes. This charm is for the queens and princesses in your life as the cute ox wears a Pandora crown atop their head.  

2. Poh Kong

Poh Kong has also released a few pendants with little oxen, each with its own unique design. The first one features a diligent ox hovering over an abacus. The second one is a motivated ox with a body made up of ancient Chinese coins. The third is the head of an adorable yet charismatic ox king with "吉祥 written above, meaning an auspicious life for owners of the pendant.  

Every pendant from the gold jeweler signifies an abundance of wealth and will definitely bring good fortune to all its wearers.

3. Tomei

This year, Tomei introduced 3 different Gold 916 pendants, signifying all the things we strive to achieve in Chinese culture. There is a Fortune Little Ox which carries a bag of money wherever it goes, a Blessing Little Ox which carries the Chinese word "福" meaning blessing or bliss, and a Brilliant Little Ox that is hard at work with his little gold book! These pendants are perfect for different members of the family.  

Besides that, Tomei also has a bracelet that is exclusive to their online store. The bracelet features a 18K gold charging ox charm to help you push through any difficulties you will meet. Also, if you haven't noticed yet, there is a 0.01 carat diamond set in the charm to signify an everlasting will and good fortune.  

4. SK Jewellery

SK Jewellery also has their own celebratory bracelets set with 999 pure gold charms. Taking the same route as their friend, Tomei, they've gone for an Intelligent Ox charm, a Lucky Ox charm, a Cheerful Ox charm, and an Adorable Ox charm!  

As for those who prefer necklaces over bracelets and pendants over charms, SK also has a 916 gold ox carrying an abacus!  

So, if you're considering adding a little shine in your life, why not have a look at these ox-themed jewelry that will be perfect for the Chinese New Year. We would also like to take this chance to wish you an ox-picious new year and a year of fortune ahead!

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